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스프링과 Async, ThreadPoolTaskExecutor

스프링에서 Async를 사용하는 경우 @EnableAsync 어노테이션의 주석에서 아래와 같은 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.

By default, Spring will be searching for an associated thread pool definition: either a unique org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor bean in the context, or an java.util.concurrent.Executor bean named "taskExecutor" otherwise. If neither of the two is resolvable, a org.springframework.core.task.SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor will be used to process async method invocations. Besides, annotated methods having a void return type cannot transmit any exception back to the caller. By default, such uncaught exceptions are only logged. To customize all this, implement AsyncConfigurer and provide:

TaskExecutor를 구현한 빈을 찾지 못하면 SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor를 사용한다고 되어 있습니다.

// NOTE: This implementation does not reuse threads! Consider a thread-pooling TaskExecutor implementation instead, in particular for executing a large number of short-lived tasks. public class SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor extends CustomizableThreadCreator implements AsyncListenableTaskExecutor, Serializable { }

SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor 클래스에는 스레드를 재사용하지 않는다고 적혀있어 해당 Executor를 사용하면 문제가 될 것 같은데 실제로 아무런 설정을 넣지 않아도 SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor를 사용하지 않습니다.

이는 TaskExecutionAutoConfiguration에 의해 ThreadPoolTaskExecutor가 생성되기 때문입니다. spring.factories에 아래와 같은 내용이 등록되어 있습니다.

org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.task.TaskExecutionAutoConfiguration,\ @ConditionalOnClass(ThreadPoolTaskExecutor.class) @Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false) @EnableConfigurationProperties(TaskExecutionProperties.class) public class TaskExecutionAutoConfiguration { /** * Bean name of the application {@link TaskExecutor}. */ public static final String APPLICATION_TASK_EXECUTOR_BEAN_NAME = "applicationTaskExecutor"; @Bean @ConditionalOnMissingBean public TaskExecutorBuilder taskExecutorBuilder(TaskExecutionProperties properties, ObjectProvider<TaskExecutorCustomizer> taskExecutorCustomizers, ObjectProvider<TaskDecorator> taskDecorator) { TaskExecutionProperties.Pool pool = properties.getPool(); TaskExecutorBuilder builder = new TaskExecutorBuilder(); builder = builder.queueCapacity(pool.getQueueCapacity()); builder = builder.corePoolSize(pool.getCoreSize()); builder = builder.maxPoolSize(pool.getMaxSize()); builder = builder.allowCoreThreadTimeOut(pool.isAllowCoreThreadTimeout()); builder = builder.keepAlive(pool.getKeepAlive()); Shutdown shutdown = properties.getShutdown(); builder = builder.awaitTermination(shutdown.isAwaitTermination()); builder = builder.awaitTerminationPeriod(shutdown.getAwaitTerminationPeriod()); builder = builder.threadNamePrefix(properties.getThreadNamePrefix()); builder = builder.customizers(taskExecutorCustomizers.orderedStream()::iterator); builder = builder.taskDecorator(taskDecorator.getIfUnique()); return builder; } @Lazy @Bean(name = { APPLICATION_TASK_EXECUTOR_BEAN_NAME, AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.DEFAULT_TASK_EXECUTOR_BEAN_NAME }) @ConditionalOnMissingBean(Executor.class) public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor applicationTaskExecutor(TaskExecutorBuilder builder) { return; } }

기본적으로 생성되는 ThreadPoolTaskExecutor는 Async 이외에 다른 스케줄링에도 사용되므로 @Async 사용 시 AsyncConfigurerSupport를 통해 비동기 작업을 위한 스레드풀을 별도로 정의해주는게 좋습니다.

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